So…it’s now Labor day (as I write this)…I hope you are all enjoying this time…If you are taking this last Summer hurrah then great…hopefully you’re out there hustling and stacking that cash!
But this is the unofficial end of not only summer but the moving season as well…
Slow Season Begins
For many of you this the start of a downtrend.
This is where the weak will be weeded out and the strong will survive…Hopefully, you have been paying attention to my videos and have prepared for this time…
If you haven’t you need to catch up quickly and stack that cash…because during January and February especially it’s going to get real tight in the pocketbook.
I would really recommend that you join the 7 Figure Moving Academy and get the advice and support you need because if you’re not prepared this is going to be rough for you…
But for those of you that have gone through this before, or you listened to good ole’ Uncle Jae, then you should be able to not only weather this storm…but thrive as well…
Either way, the downward curve is just beginning…
5 Steps to Get You Through the Off Moving Season
So I have this secret formula that I have not shared with anyone…
It’s a simple easy to follow a formula that will get you through this emergency period…But you have to follow it exactly
Step 1) Promote. Promote. Promote
Now is the time to start getting your services and name out there big time. For many that work on the truck, you really didn’t need to promote too much because the jobs just came it…that time is over for now. Now you have to promote.
Open up your range and maybe even lower the prices a little to get the jobs to continue to flow in.
Should you send postcards this would be a good time to open the range of the homes you send to. For example, if you were sending to homes of $250K or more now is the time to lower that to $150K or even $100K homes.
Step 2) Change your operating procedure.
It’s not the busy season anymore. You can’t be operating as if it were. It’s time to buckle up and change how you were doing business to match the slow season.
Step 3) Economize.
You can’t be spending willy nilly. The money isn’t going to flow in like it was in the busy season. So tighten up the money purse. Only spend money on the things you truly need.
But also is the time to start getting and establishing cheaper prices for your supplies and equipment.
Also, don’t be bringing on new guys. No hiring. In fact, this is the time to jettison the dead weight. Of course, if you need guys then hire of course…but only if you truly need them.
This is the step where you streamline your company. Make it more efficient. Instead of doing paper BOLS and such you go paperless. The way to do this is to get a great moving company CRM system…Yes, of course this costs money to get going…but you’ll save a lot more time is the efficiency as well as productivity too…in fact, a good moving CRM will save you money from the get-go from the savings you would on efficiency and productivity as well as going paper…this alone would pay for the services…
I recommend Movegistics. I can help you personally with getting them established in your company personally…call me at 925-391-1397 to consult with me on this. If you wish…no pressure.
Step 4) Now you have to prepare to deliver.
Says it all… I don’t need to elaborate on this.
Step 5) Stiffen discipline.
It was the busy season…you were running around making bank. You let things slide. Not now…You can’t let the latenesses and attitudes continue. The no calls no shows are over. The bitchiness and the drama…it has to end.
And this includes you too. You have to stop doing the shit that was making you money. Like letting the guys get away with their shit. You know what I mean.
This also means, you stop going out and use that time to work. To network. To promote.
Follow this advice in this letter you should be okay. You’ll get through the slow season…
Following this advice…you may even stay as busy or better…It’s up to you.
Thanks, guys…
Go and do something great today!