Movers Secret Email Selling Machine


Rocket $$$ by 340% by Using this Secret Email Selling Hack

If I could show you, by using segmented and automated email lists, that you could rocket your revenue by 30X, would that be worth it to you?

Could you imagine what you could do with an extra 320% in revenue?

Ryan Deiss, the Founder and CEO of DigitialMarketer, wrote a book called the Invisible Selling Machine. This book teaches marketers how to use email to improve income.

I want to show you how you can use email to help you too generate a greater ROI using email.


And, let’s be honest…

Y’all suck at emailing and most are just phoning it in.

I’m gonna Show you some Things about Email:

Let me give you some stats so we can put this whole thing into perspective, eh?

Impressive no?

What do all these stats mean?

What they mean is that you are leaving a whole shitload of money on the table. That’s what it means.

Oh yes…I hear you telling me, “but I send out emails.”

Sure, you do…

But not the ALL the right ones…and certainly not in the frequency that you should.


When you do send out emails…it’s perfunctory and robotic. You’re not creating or maintaining relationships.

Does this sound familiar?

The Old Way

You get a call. You write down some basic info like their name, address, when they want to move and so on…hoping you remember to call them back after you get done with the job you’re on right now.


If you’re one of the more “established” movers you don’t work on the truck so you have the time and ability to answer calls…

You answer the call, you have some sort of intake form, you write down the info.

You may put them on some sort of calendar (I suggest Google calendar).

And maybe send them an email.


The New Old Way

If you’re slightly more sophisticated and a little computer savvy you may have set up and Excel or Google Sheets program to keep track of your customers

But you’re still having to send emails manually…

Which means your customers get the basic emails. You know the ones: “Here’s the proposal.” Or, “here’s the proposal and contract. Please sign.” Or, “Thank you for using us. Would you please give us a review?”

The Newer Old Way

The smarter among you have signed you with a CRM like Movegistics or MoveitPro. And they have automated emails…

Which is better than nothing, but even they are limited. (Which is my biggest gripe with ALL the CRMs.)

Nor do they have emails that go out after the move is done to maintain and build relationships.

What they can do is send you to my good friends at Moversville that will send them out for you.

If you have a list of 500 or more customers, my friends will help you to send emails that will help you maintain those relationships so that you get a flood of repeat and referral traffic. They want to give the first 2 months @ 50% off.

3 Things

There are three things that I want you to learn:

  1. What kind of emails that you should be sending.
  2.  Why your Welcome email is the most important.
  3.  Why you should be automating your email campaigns.

If you come to understand the above then I’ve done my job.

And, hopefully you get it implemented.

I truly want to see you succeed. And email – the proper emails – will you do that.

Emails Should you be Sending?

We’ll talk about it in more detail in the next section but your most important email that you should be sending is you Welcome Email.

Here are the other emails that you should be sending:

Quote Thank You Email – This email should be sent after they have asked for a moving quote for you. Its only function is to inform the customer you’ll be getting in touch soon.

Now a smart marketer/sales person would have set up a quick 3 to 5 minute video in the email (or at least a link to one) reinforcing the quality and care of your company…

But hey…what do I know!

Estimate Confirm Email – This one should be obvious. In this email you are confirming the appointment that you made for an estimate.

Hopefully your CRM has the capability to do this, if not, Google Calendar is awesome at this. And it’s free! You just fill out the appointment on the calendar, enter in their email, and Google will send them a calendar confirmation. All they have to do is open the email and click “yes.”

Proposal/Contract Email – Again, another very obvious one. In this email you send them a copy of the proposal, your contract, terms of service if different from the contract, and if you’re really smart a credit card authorization form.

Save The Date Email – Like the Estimate Confirm Email this email is sent after you have booked the move job.

Its purpose is to get them to confirm the date of the move. And if you’re using Google Calendar, you can also set it up top do a follow up emails day(s) or hour(s) before the move. You can even have messages with the confirm emails.

Thank You/Review Email – You send this email after you’ve completed a stellar job on the move.

This email thanks them for using your services and then asks for a review. If you have service that does this then so much the better, or maybe you CRM does this.

Either way, you need to send this email.

The next couple of emails is where you fall down. Too many of you NEVER send these emails and this is where, besides the Welcome Email, is where you guys leave so much money on the table

Follow Up Emails – The key to these emails are automation & segmentation. Both of which we’ll talk about more below.

Follow up emails help maintain and further the relationship between you and your customer. They’re a series of emails which follows the advice of Gary Vaynerchuk in his book Jab Jab Jab Right Hook.

After each one of the above actions (emails) your CRM or spreadsheet is going trigger these follow up emails.

It’s a series of 4 different emails each with their own purpose based on each step in the process above.

It looks like this:

  1. Email 1 – Valuable content (email, video, PDF, coupon, etc)
  2. Email 2 – Valuable content (same as above)
  3. Email 3 – Valuable content (same as above)
  4. Email 4 – Permission to ASK (sale, upsell, review, or referral)
  5. Repeat

You’ll have to experiment a bit to find out what works the best.

Welcome Email

This is also called a “hub” email. This is because this email will be the hub for all the info that you want your customer to have access.

Welcome emails are incredibly effective: on average, 320% more revenue is attributed to them on a per email basis than other promotional emails.

You want your customer to have access to everything they’ll need to a successful and pleasant move.

Let me give you format of what a Welcome email may look like:

Subject: (Customer), Welcome to the (moving company) family…


“Hello [Customer(s)],

It was truly a pleasure meeting with you. Welcome to the family. Here’s a list of vital and useful articles and info that you should have for your move:

  1. You should know your Rights and Responsibilities which you download here (link to PDF)
  2. Here’s a useful checklist to prepare for your move, click here (blog post, video, PDF, etc…)
  3. Packing yourself? Here’s a guide that shows you how to do that. Click here. (blog post, PDF, video, etc…)
  4. Not sure what we can move or not? Then check out this quick guide of items we cannot move. Click here. (blog post, video, PDF, etc…)
  5. Moving with pets and/or children? Here’s a simple tutorial in how. Click here. (blog post, PDF, video, etc…)

From our family to yours, thank you again.

Please be aware we’re going to send more emails reminding you of the move the sooner as your date approaches.

If you need anything further contact us ….


This is just an example. You could have more or less points if you choose.

I’ve found the more info that I could provide the better it was for me.

Do you see how useful this email is?

Can you imagine by just sending this one email could improve you ROI by 320%?

How would that change your company?

Some simple factors that you should keep in mind when sending this email:

  1. Speed is a factor. They should get this email immediately upon booking the move.
  2. Personalization goes a long way. Notice in the above example I personalized the email in two spots. You could do more where it makes sense.
  3. Keep it simple. Plain text emails far out perform HTML emails by a far margin.

Automating & Segmenting your Email Lists

Segmentation of your email list ensures the right message to the right audience

Could you imagine you 100% CTRs?

How much would that add to your bottom line?

Do you see the value of this?

Automating removes the need to be constantly updating the database.

When you send follow up emails or relationship emails you want to make sure that you are emailing to the right people.

Segmenting the list does this.

You don’t want to send a relationship email that is giving value on how to add curb appeal to someone that you did a 2-bedroom apartment for.

That would kill the relationship.

Unless you have a large office staff, you just don’t have time to segment that list. It needs to be automated.

And time is money…

So, I hear.

CRMS and Autoresponders

A critical flaw, in my opinion, is that most moving CRMs are not set up with ability to segment and send automatically the emails that need to be sent.

Oh…they have autoresponders set up. But only for the basic emails.

I could be wrong, but I have not seen this.

Nor do the top moving CRMs have the ability to integrate with the top autoresponders.

Maybe if the moving CRM companies see this video they may change that…(I hope so.)

What Have We Learned?

If I’ve did my job right you should have learned these three things

  1. You have segment and automate your email list. To make more money and to save a lot of time.
  2. That Welcome/Hub Emails are vital to the success of your company. By sending these emails you could literally improve your ROI by 320%
  3. You should have learned that there are more emails than just the standard ones that everyone sends out.

So, I ask you…:

How are you going to implement this info?

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