Dealing with Employees

Top 7 Rules in Dealing with Employees

Today, I’m going to give you seven rules that I use in hiring and dealing with employees

This is not my complete list, and it’s not a complete list for you, and if you want to hear more, I’ll gladly do more videos on this subject if you like this thing. 

But right now, we’re going to give you my top seven rules in dealing with employees, and I think you’re going to like it. So stay tuned for what we have coming up right now. 

Dealing with Employees

We’re going to be talking about dealing with employees, and this covers both hiring and dealing with your employees

Now, I’ve owned a moving company for almost 15 years, and I saw almost every kind of scenario you could think of when it comes to hiring, firing, and managing employees. 

And because of that, I came up with a list of around 30 different rules that I apply, and I thought I would share seven of those with you today, so let’s get into it and see what we’ve got. 

I think these ones are really, really good. 

Your Raise is Effective as You are.

My first one is that a raise is as effective as the employee. 

We’ve got to only give raises to effective employees. 

When you give a raise to someone who isn’t performing just because of time on the job or he’s your buddy or something like that, you’re going to foster, one, bad habits from the rest of the crew who think that they’re going to get rewarded for bad behavior. 

You’re going to grow dissension within the ranks. 

You only give a raise when the employee is effective. 

So a raise is only effective when the employee is effective. 

Only Pay what you can Replace the Employee for. 

You never pay an employee more than what they can be replaced for.

Now, in today’s current economic culture, we have extremely high inflation and people are getting jobs at $15 an hour just going and flipping burgers at McDonald’s or Burger King. 

Nothing wrong with those jobs if that’s what you want to do, but they’re getting paid 15, 16, I’ve even seen it up to 17 dollars an hour. 

You’re not going to get an employee that can flip burgers for $17 an hour to work for you for $12, so you have to give your guys enough pay for what it’s going to cost for you to replace that particular employee. 

So if the market is saying you’re paying $15, and then that’s what you’re going to have to pay your people to work for you, so keep an eye on that.

Let’s talk about this economic inflation that we got. 

We have inflation at almost 9% as I speak today in this video. 

That’s tremendous. 

It’s unprecedented since the Great Depression. It’s unprecedented since Jimmy Carter was counting his peanuts in the White House. 

Let’s go Brandon. 

You’re going to have to probably increase pay commensurate with what’s occurring with inflation, which can kind of violate rule number one, so you guys gotta play that middle ground. 

You don’t want to necessarily give people a raise, but at the same time, if they’re hemming and a hawing that I could go work for McDonald’s for more money, then you either need to fire them or you need to give them a raise that’s going to be commensurate with rule number two, which is you pay them for what you can replace them for. 

All right, let’s move on.

A Valued Employee Values the Business

Number three. When you value your employees, they will value your business. 

So rule number three says a valued employee gives valued service. 

When you value your employees, when you give them the value that they think they need and they deserve, then they in turn are going to make sure they all pass it down the road. 

It’s like the trickle down theory that Reagan came up with economics that didn’t work all that great. It worked enough to get us out of a major inflation, but it didn’t work all that well. 

So guys, value your employees and they’re going to value your business. 

That’s rule three. 

Hire Slowly; Fire Quickly

Number four. Hire slowly, fire quickly. 

This is a rule that you need to apply right now. 

You want to take your time in hiring good people. 

You want to make sure that they’re going to meet up with your vision, they’re going to exhibit your core values, they’re going to go on mission and not go off on some tangent because they think they know better.

Now, we want people that take initiative, that will take the bull by the reins, no pun intended, but we want also, we want people that are going to follow your vision and your mission and live your core values, so you want to make sure you’re hiring the right guys. 

And if they turn out not to be the right guys, you need to fire them quickly. 

You don’t just keep them on. You bring them on, you find out very quickly whether they’re going to hold the mustard or not. 

That’s rule number four. 

Be the Boss…Not their Therapist!

Number five. Let’s get into it. Be the boss, not their therapist. 

You are there to be the boss, you’re there to run your business, make money, and they’re there to facilitate you in making more money. 

Or not there to solve their problems.

Not there to make them all happy, jappy, doobie doobies. 

If they’re a snowflake and need a safe place, good, send them off their merry way where they can go and find a safe place for some other job. 

Maybe Burger King will give them a safe place. Who knows? 

Let them go someplace else. 

You’re not there for that. 

That does not mean you don’t value them and you don’t respect them, what that means is you’re the boss. You’re not their friend. Not their pal. Or their enemy. Not anything. 

You’re their boss, and you need to start acting as a boss. 

Yes, you can be friendly with your employees. You can have a good relationship with your employees. You can value your employees and you can actually be empathetic with your employees’ problems, but you’re not there to solve their problems. 

They’re adults, treat them like adults, make them solve their own problems. We’re actually going to be talking about that in a later rule here shortly. Let’s go.

Make Employees Fix Their Own Mess

Rule number six. 

See, I told you we were going to be talking about this, make employees fix their own mess. In dealing with employees make them handle what they screwed up.

When an employee screws up in your business, you don’t necessarily need to fire them unless it’s an egregious mistake that’s highly negligent and will cost you hundreds or even hundreds of thousands or whatever. 

I mean, if it’s truly malicious, then yeah, you get rid of them, but if it’s just a normal mistake, you don’t want to fire them, but you’re going to want to make that employee go and fix what they screwed up. 

It makes them accountable for their mistakes and it makes them appreciate and actually have pride in their job and their work when they move further on. 

And if you can’t instill that pride with them, then you need to apply rule number four, fire quickly. 

Get rid of them. 

You don’t need them. 

If they hem and haw and bitch about they ain’t going to do it, great, that’s a great indicator that tells them that they need to find employment elsewhere.

You’re looking for people that are going to facilitate your business and take it to the next level. 

And if they are unwilling to take responsibility for their uck ups, then you don’t want them because anybody that can’t take responsibility for what they’ve done wrong, as well as what they do right, you don’t want them in your business. 

And I guarantee it. It’s just going to create a toxic environment with all the other employees and it’s going to violate all the other rules ahead of this, so make them fix their own mess. 

All right. That’s rule six. 

Now, let’s get into rule seven. 

Drama is for Soap Operas

Drama is for soap operas. Dramas are for Dallas or for the daytime soap operas. It’s for the CW television shows that want to hype different drama scenarios. 

Leave it for television. 

We don’t need drama in this business. 

And that includes you, bosses and managers. 

We don’t want your drama either.

If you’re a drama queen in your business, you need to knock it off. 

You need to increase your discipline. Need to shut the hell up, pull your head out of your hiney, and be the boss and not a therapist or their friend or whatever it is that you’re trying to be or mock up. 

What you need to do is knock off the drama. 

We don’t want drama. 

If two people are having beef, let them go outside the company and solve their beef. 

If the beef is coming into the business and it’s affecting performance, then you need to get HR or a competent individual who can go mediate that particular problem between those employees or separate them or fire both of them or whatever you need to do, but drama should not be inside the business. 

Leave drama for the movies and TV. 

You’re not a soap opera, you’re a business. Start acting like a business, a professional business. 

Elon and Twitter

Right now, we got Elon Musk creating a bunch of drama on Twitter because he’s trying to buy Twitter. 

And boy oh boy, did the liberal snowflake losers start bitching and moaning. 

What that tells me is that a good portion of Twitter’s employees need the boot. They need to go because they’re causing a bunch of drama and Elon Musk, through his purchasing agreement and his due diligence of researching, is finding a whole bunch of drama within Twitter. 

People from outside of Twitter already knew it, but this is a good example of drama queens running the show. Don’t let drama queens with dealing with employees.

It’s where the insane are running the asylum, and you need to knock that off. 

It is not conducive for a functioning, producing, thriving business. 

Because if you look at Twitter, their stock market purchase price is crashing.

That means nobody wants to buy Twitter because they’re a horrible company and people can see it. 

They can see that they’re not producing, that they’re causing a bunch of problems. 

You don’t want to buy into that and you don’t want to have it in your business, so this is a perfect example of drama queens running the show. 

Drama should not be in your business

Drama’s for soap operas. 

It’s great to watch, it’s fun to watch, but it’s not something you should have in your business.


All right guys, that is my seven rules. 

Remember, I’ve got a bunch more rules for dealing with employees. So if you like these rules, leave me a comment down below. Let me know what kind of rules that you have for your business. Maybe I’ll integrate them into my list.

I’d like to hear what you agree and disagree with. 

I like you. I love you. Go and do something great today.